As the first lockdown of 2020 started I began to look through some of my old files, handwritten notes and spending the down time productively and thinking about adapting to online learning. I came across an old typed note on yellowing thin paper, with an anonymous Indian Legend, that I'd had for many years. It was about the colours of the rainbow fighting with each other. Along with her son Ryan and his girlfriend Amy, they produced a short video that is on You Tube with characters representing the colours.
- 22/02/2021 - Catherine Hamilton 0 CommentsThe Rainbow - How to talk about inclusion with your childrenRead More
- 22/07/2020 0 CommentsOpen Questions, Open-MindedRead More
“I can’t believe that using an open question has made so much difference”
- 22/07/2020 0 CommentsAssumptions and How to Avoid Them!Read More
I may teach self-awareness and how to manage assumptions, but it doesn’t mean I don’t make them myself.
- 14/05/2020 - Catherine Hamilton 0 CommentsBuilding Resilience and Sustaining HealthRead More
Crisis and challenge can exert pressure on our whole system – emotional, mental and physical – so it is a time to pay particularly attention to our well-being. Here are some tried and tested tips to help you:
- 28/04/2020 - Catherine Hamilton 0 CommentsTalent is useless unless it is somewhere it can be used...Read More
Talent is useless unless it is somewhere it can be used...
If you are lucky enough to be valued for your talent and it's your passion, keep doing it!
- 14/04/2020 - Catherine Hamilton 0 CommentsOvercoming meeting bias using videoRead More
Being fully present whilst on video meetings and conversations not only helps ourselves but helps others. hashtag#selfawareness hashtag#listening hashtag#bias
- 14/05/2018 - Catherine Hamilton 0 CommentsCall it Out!Read More
Sometimes we just don’t know what to do. We don’t have the words. We spend too long thinking about what we should do
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Covering all aspects of inclusion and diversity, we provide training and consultancy services.